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Questões - ESCOLA NAVAL 2017 | Gabarito e resoluções

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(ESCOLA NAVAL - 2017) Read the sentences below. I. Can you give me someinformation, please? II. Thosewomenare my teachers. III. The doesnt have muchmoney. IV.Lifeis great. Choose the option which defines the underlined nouns as U (uncountable) or C (countable).


(ESCOLA NAVAL - 2017) Complete the sentences using an article when necessary. I. Is Mario __________ honest man? II. The students wear__________ uniform here. III.__________ Smiths live next to the supermartket. IV.__________ Brasilia was made the capital in 1960. Choose the correct option.


Analise a figura a seguir. A figura acima exibe um bloco de 12 kgque se encontra na horizontal sobre uma plataforma de 3,0 kg.O bloco est preso a uma corda de massa desprezvel que passa por uma roldana de massa e atrito desprezveis fixada na prpria plataforma. Os coeficientes de atrito esttico e cintico entre as superfcies de contato (bloco e plataforma) so, respectivamente, 0,3e 0,2.A plataforma, por sua vez, encontra-se inicialmente em repouso sobre uma superfcie horizontal sem atrito. Considere que em um dado instante uma fora horizontal passa a atuar sobre a extremidade livre da corda, conforme indicado na figura. Para que no haja escorregamento entre o bloco e a plataforma, o maior valor do mdulo da fora aplicada, em newtons, Dado: g = 10 m/s2


(ESCOLA NAVAL - 2017) Read the information in the box below FOOD FACTS - Theres .81 ounces of sugar in an Orange. - There are twelve eggs in a carton. - There are about 126 calories in a banana. Now read the questions. I. How many sugar is there in an orange? II. How much sugar is there in an orange? I. How many eggs are there in a carton? II. How much eggs are there in a carton? I. How many calories are there in a banana? II. How much calories are there in a banana? Choose the right questions for the information in the box respectively:


(Esc. Naval 2017) Analise a figura a seguir. A figura a seguir apresenta um sistema binrio de estrelas, isolado, que composto por duas estrelas de mesmo tamanho e de mesma massa M.O sistema, estvel, gira em torno de seu centro de massa com um perodo de rotao constante T. Sendo Da distncia entre as estrelas e G aconstante gravitacional universal, assinale a opo correta.


(Esc. Naval 2017) Dois navios da Marinha de Guerra, as Fragatas Independência e Rademaker, encontram-se próximos a um farol. A Fragata Independência segue em direção ao norte com velocidade 15 nós e a Fragata Rademaker, em direção ao nordeste com velocidade de 20 nós. Considere que ambas as velocidades foram medidas em relação ao farol. Se na região há uma corrente marítima de 2,0 nós no sentido norte-sul, qual o módulo da velocidade relativa da Fragata Independência, em nós, em relação à Fragata Rademaker?


See, sejao determinante da matriz, sendo assim, é correto afirmar que o coeficiente deno desenvolvimento deé


(ESCOLA NAVAL -2017) As the Olympics Approaches, a Lesson in Overcoming Adversity Bert R. Mandelbaum, MD July 20, 2016 Ive known a lot of athletes who qualified for the Olympic Games injuries. But Iknow of only one who qualifiedbecause ofan injury. Cliff Meidis story captures the spirit of the Olympics. In November 1986, Cliff, a 20-year-old plumbers apprentice, hit three buried high-voltage electrical cables with a jackhammer. An estimated 30,000 volts surged through his body, exploding bone and cartilage from the inside all the way up to his head. To put that into perspective, electric chairs use only 1500-2000 volts for executions. So its safe to say that Cliff should have died. And henearlydid. His heart stopped. Paramedics were able to get it going again, but they had to resuscitate him on the way to the hospital. As part of a team with renowned plastic surgeon Malcolm Lesavoy, MD, and others, I got to work reconstructing Cliffs legs. Our best hope was to avoid amputation. But very quickly, we noticed something else going on - something that had nothing to do with our expertise. Through every step of his painful rehabilitation, Cliff grew more and more determined. He never complained. He just asked, Whats next? Before he had even finished the rehabilitation, Cliff started paddling various water crafts. The days spent on crutches had already strengthened his upper body, and he took naturally to the sport. The same year in which he was injured, he began competing in canoe and kayak events, and in 1996 he qualified for the Olympics - not the Paralympic Games, the Olympic Games. Four years later, in Sydney, Australia, I wasoverseeingthe sports medicine team at the Olympic soccer tournament. I was sitting in the stands during the opening ceremonies when Cliff walked into the Olympic Stadium carrying the Stars and Stripes. Its a long-standing tradition for delegations of athletes to select one among their number to bear the flag, and the choice often symbolizes some extraordinary accomplishment. I had no idea that Cliff would be selected. So when he strode into the stadium with a normal gait, Inearlybroke down. Moments like that reinforce what I have always believed: that sport can bring out the best in us all. The Olympic Games (...) are devoted to celebrating the human capacity to improve body, mind, and soul. They are about taking part - not necessarily about winning. Cliff peers in the US delegation of 2000 recognized that when they elected him to bear the nations colors. He never won a medal at the games, but the spirit with which he overcame adversity inspired all of them. The Olympic motto - faster, higher, stronger - can help our patients realize that the real victory is the win within.The Win Within: Capturing Your Victorious Spintis the name of the book I wrote to show people that coming back from adversity is part of our heritage - that we as human beings are more adapted to adversity than we are to success. Adversity is the engine of unimagined opportunity. It can unleash our energy and stimulate our will. It moves us to succeed. If I dont have food, I have to go get some. If lim cold, I have to build a shelter. I remind patients who dont participate in sports that they have the heritage of athletes. We all have the genes of pursuit-hunters who survived by running down their prey and running away from their predators. Thats why even now, in 2016, when we go out and take a run, we feel good. We get an endorphin surge and our lipids go down. Our hearts and brains become clear. The life of sport and sport of life are interlinked. Exercise is our birthright; its our legacy; its why we are here. We no longer have to fear saber-toothed tigers or cave bears. But when you look today at how people can be successful in 2016, its by avoiding the predators in our urban life: overeating, inactivity, and smoking. And its by rising to meet adversity. (Adapted from http :/Awww.medscape.com/viewarticle/866279) Which option completes the first paragraph of the text correctly? Ive known a lot of athletes who qualified for the Olympic Games _________ injuries. But I know of only one who qualified because of an injury.


(Esc. Naval 2017) Analise o grfico a seguir. O grfico acima representa um gs ideal descrevendo um ciclo ABCem um diagrama Esse ciclo consiste em uma transformao isotrmica seguida de uma transformao isocrica e uma isobrica. Em um diagrama qual grfico pode representar o mesmo ciclo ABC?


(Esc. Naval 2017) Um chuveiro eltrico opera em uma rede de 220 voltsdissipando 7.600 J/sde calor em sua resistncia. Se esse mesmo chuveiro fosse conectado a uma rede de 110 volts,a potncia dissipada, em J/s,passar a ser de


(Esc. Naval 2017) Analise a figura a seguir. A figura acima mostra um sistema formado por duas partculas iguais, A e B de massas 2,0 kg cada uma, ligadas por uma haste rgida de massa desprezvel. O sistema encontra-se inicialmente em repouso, apoiado em uma superfcie horizontal (plano xy) sem atrito. Em t = 0, uma fora F1 = 8,0i N passa a atuar na partcula A e, simultaneamente, uma fora F2 = 6,0j N passa a atuar na partcula B. Qual o vetor deslocamento, em metros, do centro de massa do sistema de t = 0 a t = 4,0 s?


(ESCOLA NAVAL - 2017) A um conjunto com n elementos e B seu subconjunto com p elementos, com n p e n, p N. Determine o nmero de conjuntos X tais que e assinale a opo correta.


(ESCOLA NAVAL) Observe a figura a seguir que apresenta a aparelhagem utilizada comumente em laboratrios para a realizao da destilao simples. Marque a opo que apresenta a mistura que pode ser separada por essa aparelhagem.


(Esc. Naval 2017) Analise as figuras a seguir. As figuras acima mostram dois instantes diferentes, t e t, de um mesmo sistema, imerso no ar ao nvel do mar. O sistema constitudo por um cilindro, cuja rea da base de 3,0 cm2 , contendo um gs ideal comprimido por um pisto mvel de massa desprezvel. No instante t, a base do cilindro est em contato com uma chama que mantm o gs a uma temperatura T. No instante t, a base do cilindro est em contato com uma chama mais intensa que mantm o gs a uma temperatura 2T, e sobre o pisto encontra-se uma massa M que promove um deslocamento do pisto de 2,0 cm para baixo. Qual o valor da massa M, em kg? Dados: g = 10 m/s2; p0 = 105 Pa.


(G1 - col. naval 2017) Considere  o operador matemático que associa a raiz quadrada do menor quadrado perfeito maior que a soma das parcelas envolvidas, isto é,  porque o menor quadrado perfeito maior que a soma  é  e sua raiz quadrada é  Assim, se  e  é correto afirmar que o valor de  é

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